Since 2005, the University of Iowa has supported undergraduates and alumni in their successful pursuit of over 200 nationally competitive fellowships including:

           38 Goldwater Scholarships,  

           33 NSF Graduate Research Fellowships ,  

             7 Truman Scholarships,  

             4 Churchill Scholarships,   

             2 Beinecke Scholarships,  

             3 Rhodes Scholarships,  

            5 Gates Cambridge Scholarships,  

            1 Schwarzman Scholarship,

            8 Humanity in Action Fellowships, and

            7 Udall Scholarships. 

In addition to the awards outlined above, our students are members of the Hollings, Ford Foundation Pre-doctoral, National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship (NDSEG), Scoville Peace, Boren, DAAD RISE, Amgen Scholars, UK/US Fulbright Summer Institute, Princeton in Asia, and Alfa fellowship communities.